Sysmex Poland

Sysmex TBNK test system

Lymphocyte subset testing

Flow cytometric immunophenotyping to evaluate the percentages and absolute counts of lymphocyte subsets is a well-established test that is performed in a variety of settings. It is primarily used for monitoring CD3+CD4+ T cells in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals, and also in the evaluation of other forms of immune deficiency and autoimmune diseases [1-4].

Unique features of the Sysmex TBNK test system

The Sysmex TBNK test system on the XF-1600 platform provides accurate counts directly from the flow cytometer, without the need for counting beads. This is made possible by the volumetric count capability of the XF-1600 based on a calibrated syringe-driven acquisition of exact sample volume for accurate white blood cell (WBC) count – technology that is inherited from Sysmex’s XN-Series haematology analysers.

The resulting absolute counts are metrologically traceable to an internationally recognised reference method for white blood cells (WBC) [5].


Your benefits in routine

  • The standardisation and convenience afforded by a preconfigured solution:
    • Ready-to-use premixed reagent cocktail
    • Easy-to-use XF-1600 TBNK software – with a pre-defined template, automated gating and calculations
  • The assurance of reliability through built-in quality control procedures
  • Automation options - automated sample acquisition on the XF-1600 flow cytometer and optional automated sample preparation on the PS-10 sample preparation system
  • Streamlined workflow – all steps from test request to reporting are streamlined by Sysmex digital solutions


1) Warnatz, K. and Schlesier, M. Flow cytometric phenotyping of common variable immunodeficiency. Cytometry, 2008;74B: 261-271.
2) World Health Organisation. Consolidated guidelines on HIV prevention, testing, treatment, service delivery and monitoring: recommendations for a public health approach. 2021. ISBN: 978-92-4-003159-3
3) McCusker C, Upton J, Warrington R. Primary immunodeficiency. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol. 2018;14(Suppl 2):141-152.
4) Rabson A. Enumeration of T-cells subsets in patients with HIV infection. AIDS Clin Care. 1995 Jan;7(1):1-3. PMID: 11362161.
5) Ward RY, Stevens M, Bashir S. Metrological traceability in flow cytometry? Evaluation of a new volumetric method for lymphocyte subsets. Int J Lab Hematol. 2023;1‐7. doi:10.1111/ijlh.1421

Specyfikacja techniczna


IVD parameters Relative percentages** and absolute counts* of:
  • CD3+ (CD45+ & CD3+)
  • CD4+ (CD45+ & CD3+ & CD4+ & CD8-)
  • CD8+ (CD45+ & CD3+ & CD4- & CD8+)
  • CD16/56+ (CD45+ & CD3- & CD16/56+ & CD19-)
  • CD19+ (CD45+ & CD3- & CD16/56- & CD19+)
Research Parameters
Analysis results for these research parameters must not be used for diagnosis of patients

Absolute counts* of:

  • WBC (CD45+)
  • Lymphocytes
Absolute counts* and Percentages (%)**
  • CD3- (CD45 & CD3-)
  • CD3+CD4+CD8+

Sums and ratios

  • T-Sum (%Gated for CD3+ minus %Gated for the following: (CD3+CD4+CD8-), (CD3+CD4+CD8+), CD3+CD4-CD8+)
  • Lymphsum
  • CD4/8 ratio

*Number of cells per μL

**Ratio to lymphocytes (based on a lymphocyte gate)

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Sysmex Polska Sp. z o.o.

Al. Jerozolimskie 176

02-486 Warszawa


022 572 84 00

022 572 84 10


TBNK basic online training

After this course you will be able to perform and interpret the TBNK application using the XF-1600. This training is intended for operators to run the TBNK application.

Enroll here



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